Other dance information
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Dance studios/classes
Colleen Murray School of Dance
Teaching ballroom, Latin American and rock 'n' roll, Argentino tango, salsa, hip-hop, line dancing, new vogue/sequence
Wedding dance lessons
Sequence dancing in Canterbury
For details of the sequence dancing clubs and the dances they do, see their website.
Ceroc dancing in Christchurch
Fevah Modern Jive dances Monday - Friday nights at various locations around Christchurch.
Regular Saturday social dances and tea dances on some Sundays.
Scottish Country Dance Clubs
There are nine Scottish Country Dance Clubs in Christchurch city
and four more in the wider Canterbury area.
The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
For latest contacts see the website dancescottish.org.nz/region-canterbury/
Rock and roll dancing in Canterbury
Avon City Rock and Roll Revivial Club
Opawa avoncityrnr@yahoo.co.nz
Christchurch Rock 'n' Roll Club
Hornby christchurchrocknroll.org.nz
Kaiapoi Rock and Roll Club
Kaiapoi tinab51@clear.net.nz
Southern Rock and Roll Club
Woolston southernrocknrollclub@yahoo.co.nz
Latin dancing in Christchurch
Club Havana - Bernie's Latin Dance Club
Latin dancing in Christchurch and Kaiapoi
Salsa Latina Dance Centre
Latin Fire Dance Studio
Latin Addiction Dance Studio
Salsa Sabrosa
Argentine Tango in Christchurch
For details of tango dancing, see the website.
Tango La Luna
Sextet running a milango first Sunday of the month at Hohepa Hall
Free lesson prior to the milonga.
Tango Floorspace
Milonga every Wednesday night 192 Bealey Avenue
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